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Baked Brie in Puff Pastry with Raspberry Preserves

Baked Brie in Puff Pastry with Raspberry Preserves

I could live on appetizers and desserts. Well, I wish I could live on appetizers and desserts. What is more fun – more delicious – than eating fun food with a glass of wine or cold beverage and then topping it off with a sweet 

The Last Back To School Day

The Last Back To School Day

It’s all over Facebook and social media. It’s the first day of school. There are tears from moms and my favorite – the mom in the pool with a glass of wine as her children head off to school. My friends and I always celebrated 

I’m A Mom. Always and Forever.

I’m A Mom. Always and Forever.

I said goodbye to my youngest son as he flew 1500 miles away to return to law school. Our other sons had already gone back to their own lives and homes. They were happy good-byes – we had a great time together. Our family has 

Reinventing Yourself for Retirement

Reinventing Yourself for Retirement

Retirement means reinventing yourself. Your daily life changes. The people surrounding you every day may change. You might sell your house and move but even if you stay in the same house and in the same town, life changes. We downsized, sold our house and 

Ya’ Gotta Make These Thanksgiving Sweet Potatoes

Ya’ Gotta Make These Thanksgiving Sweet Potatoes

Mention Thanksgiving and we all think of family gatherings and FOOD. We remember the family recipes that we enjoy year after year and know that if tradition had a “taste” it would be the foods that make up our Thanksgiving Day meal. So when I 

Our Girls’ Weekend

Our Girls’ Weekend

Our girls’ weekend is over.  I’ve got a few towels and sheets to wash, but when you look around the house, there aren’t many signs that something fabulous happened here over the past five days. If you look closely, you might see some licorice, leftover